Train 2 Gain with our exclusive 8 Week Program created by Duncan Rankine, one of Australia’s best natural bodybuilders. Join Our Train 2 Gain 8 Week Program for Just $1199!!! Includes 16 Sessions 2 Per Week! Thats a Saving of $160 (normal price $1360). Contact Duncan for more information and to get started! View Our 8-week Train 2 Gain Program below: Week 1 • Session 1: Measurements + Day 1 Program • Session 2: Day 2 Program Week 2 • Session 3: 15min Seminar on Nutrition (PowerPoint Presentation) + Day 3 Program • Session 4: Day 1 Program Week 3 • Session 5: 15min Seminar on Muscle Gain (Handouts) + Day 2 Program • Session 6: Day 3 Program Week 4 • Session 7: Measurements + Day 1 Program • Session 8: Day 2 Program Week 5 • Session 9: 15min Seminar on Stripping BodyFat (PowerPoint Presentation) + Day 3 Program • Session 10: Day 1 Program Week 6 • Session 11: 15min Seminar on Supplements (Handouts) + Day 2 Program • Session 12: Day 3 Program Week 7 • Session 7: Training with Natural World Champion Day 1 Program • Session 8: Day 2 Program Week 8 • Session 15: Measurements + Day 3 Program • Session 16: Day 1 or 2 or 3 Program